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MSA Analyzer

  • Parse Complex Rent Roll Data with Ease: Turn intricate rent roll data into user-friendly unit mix tables in seconds.
  • Compare Income and Expense Historical Data: Gain insights into your expense ratio with month-over-month analysis.
  • Estimate Future Property Taxes: Get an estimate of property taxes to effectively plan your expenses.
  • Detailed Renovation Scheduling: Plan out your exterior and interior renovation schedules with ease, including setting the start month and units renovated per month.
  • Flexible Debt Sizing Options: Choose debt sizing options based on various parameters including LTC, LTV, and DSCR.
  • Customizable Loan Rate Options: Select between fixed and variable rate loans to suit your financial strategy.
  • Detailed Operating Statements: View monthly, quarterly, and annual operating statements for the entire hold period.
  • Partnership Return Modeling: Utilize the Pref, Multi-tier or IRR waterfall to model out partnership returns efficiently.
  • Detailed Investor Return Views: Examine investor returns on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis for detailed insights.
  • Safeguard Error Checks: Benefit from built-in safeguard error checks and user warnings throughout the model to prevent mistakes.